
About two years ago when the entire world was fighting the pandemic, the industries were struggling with different battles, the battle of low manufacturing, low revenue,

We are at the end of 2022 and the new year is approaching rapidly. This makes it the ideal opportunity to forecast real estate issues for

To be precise, there has been a lot of hype created about Metaverse, since Facebook renamed itself “Meta”. And ever since there has been a constant

Semiconductors are an integral part of modern life, even though they are frequently overlooked. They play a significant role in consumer devices like televisions and cell

Over the last few years, the need of being technologically advanced has given all industries an extra edge to work on, and the demand for high-quality

Delivering a seamless patient experience is very challenging. Patients go through different organizations and healthcare professionals to get the healthcare services they need. A typical patient

Almost all industries can benefit from custom software solutions—Healthcare, Fintech, Government, Retail Stores, name it. Think about how effective your company’s software could be if it

Implementation service automates different business processes such as human capital management, finance, supply chain, manufacturing process, and distribution. What is Outsourcing? Outsourcing refers to a strategic

The word used for this transformation is PropTech. It is a somewhat glib but, at the same time, accurate term for the industry-scale rebranding underway. Technology and innovation walk hand-in-hand in any industry, and real estate is no different.

Why Property Managers Should Focus on Real Estate CRM Property Managers will benefit enormously from CRM (Customer Relationship Management) given the decentralized nature of their operations.

In the year 2021, real-estate technology will present a unique opportunity for property management companies to offer customized journeys to prospects of residential and commercial properties and automate tasks to ensure faster turnarounds and better ROI.

Property management solution with built-in AI can be your intelligent advisor . Know more